I'm teaching myself to knit. Well - knit again, that is. My Grandma taught me when I was 18 or 19 and I knit some baby sweaters then, but I hadn't picked up the needles since. Good thing there's tons of video " how to's " out there. I needed a lot of help to get this vest finished. I had to look up how to cast on and off, how to knit a button hole and how does one " K2 in all sts " ???
You can't tell from this pic, because I've got it bunched up in the back but it's a little loose fitting.
I ignored the part where you test your tension. So, now I know how important that step is.
( some of us like to learn the hard way )
The yoke looks very complicated but was actually very simple. I finished it off with some vintage buttons that I've been hoarding saving for a rainy day.
You can find the pattern here.
I'm working on a similar sweater called the Shalom Cardigan that I found at Ravelry.
Although the pattern doesn't include them, I'm trying to add sleeves to it. Yep, that's right I'm making it up. ( some of us like to learn the hard way )
... I'll keep you posted.
Mean-time, how 'bout you tell me what you've taught yourself to do and how did it work out?